Start-up in The Netherlands to conquer the Europan market
The Netherlands are by far the best start-up country in Europe to conquer the European market.
The Dutch economics
For decades we are one of the worlds’ most competitive economy. We maintained that strong position in international trade because of our liberal and tolerant mentality and high education. The Netherlands has five universities listed in the international top 100! Besides the biggest harbor in Europe (Rotterdam), our main airport has direct flight connections worldwide (Schiphol Amsterdam). The Netherlands as a member of the EU has all facilities needed to start-up a business in Europe. Once based in Holland, your company is entitled to do business in any EU member country. Without any restrictions or duties! Furthermore, your company benefits from attractive Dutch corporate income tax and wage tax facilities.
How to start?
AXP Adviseurs B.V. (Advisors) is a Dutch high-end advisory firm specialized in administrative and fiscal services for international companies, starting-up activities in The Netherlands. From our offices in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and New York, we provide custom-fit services to mainly US and UK companies, that allow them to start a successful business in The Netherlands and the whole of Europe. In contrary to the Big4 advisory companies, our approach is much more pragmatic and useful. We assist you with the incorporation of the entity structure, the fiscal structure and administrative organization.
Our multilingual staff commits itself to a smooth and effective start-up in The Netherlands. Whether the client is small or stock-market listed, our staff provides the same quality of services, considering your specific needs and circumstances.
Our Services
- Assessment of risks and opportunities
- Incorporation of the company’s entity(s)
- We implement the administrative structure and take care of your day-to-day accounting fully digitalized.
- We assist with opening bank-accounts.
- Salary administration (including 30% ruling)
- Intercompany reporting
- Annual Statements
- Corporate income tax
- Legal and fiscal advice
Trust services
If your company needs Trust services to obtain presence or substance in The Netherlands, you can use the services of International Trust Services B.V. They provide the same level of quality and responsiveness you will experience doing business with AXP.
Facing the Brexit that is going to take place without a deal. We formed a special team to assist UK companies in dealing with the Brexit consequences.
Living in The Netherlands
Situated in a delta, meters below sea-level, The Netherlands had to face the powers of the surrounding sea and inflowing rivers for centuries. To adapt and survive, The Dutch developed a creative, hardworking no-nonsense mentality, that up to today can be recognized throughout the country. In the golden age (17th century), The Netherlands as a nation established a worldwide presence in business and trade.
The Danes and The Dutch are among the happiest people in the world. Political stability, high-quality medical care, a rich cultural life makes The Netherlands the perfect country to locate your staff! Amsterdam and Rotterdam have world famous musea like Het Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum, Stedelijk Museum and Boymans van Beuningen.